How to Get Girlfriend Back Without Playing Head Games

Everybody knows that in these days exists several theories of how to get girl back when you have been dumped, most of them involve playing head games with your ex, but when you mess with her head just to win her back, you are on a shaky foundation for moving forward in the relationship when things are patched up, this post is the no-games way to win ex girlfriend back.

When you were going out, I bet she would text you lots of times a day, now your phone is silent, calling her once a week or so just to keep in touch keeps the door open for a reconciliation, to this end, make sure that you call her only on important days, like her birthday or something similar, sending a card or a small gift wouldn’t hurt either when you are trying to win ex back.

Keep in touch by email, if there is a news story she might enjoy, send it to her with a nice (short) note, you also have to decide whether you want to want to date other girls during the period when you are trying to win your ex back, if you are serious about getting ex girlfriend back, it’s better not to date other girls, if you are thinking about getting girlfriend back do not sleep with another woman either, this goes against some dating advice that says you should date around to make your ex jealous, but playing games like this will not serve you well when you do get back together.

Don’t be jealous when she dates other guys, though you can use the information about what she looks for in a man when you analyze the kind of men she’s dating, for instance, if she broke things off with you because you had gotten too complacent in the relationship, she may be seeing men who sweep her off her feet, if you were the beer and football type and she’s now dating artists and poets, you may need to develop a more sensitive side in order to get her back.

When you analyze and study the woman who broke up with you, you will be able to see what she really needs in a man, remember, that now that you are no longer a couple, there are layers being built up between the two of you, in some ways, this actually makes it easier to see what she needs from a man because your own emotions, feelings, and needs are less at play, read into the things she says and the things she doesn’t say, look at her actions as well.

Hold your own cards close to your chest, the power in your relationship has shifted, when you spill out your deepest emotions to your ex, you give her too much power, if you tell her that she is the one you need in your life, she suddenly can dictate the future, when you hold your own cards close to your chest, you preserve your own power which is necessary for restoration of the relationship after you win ex girlfriend back.

During the time when you are broken up, work on yourself, make sure you hit the gym regularly, get a nice haircut and who knows you might even want to consider a new style, work on your mind and your body, by spending time on self improvement, you become more attractive to your ex.

The bottom line is that you can try to get your ex back by playing games or you can try to fix the problems that your relationship had, when you work on the problems, you build a more solid foundation for the future when you have already accomplished your goal of getting girlfriend back.

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Getting Over Break Up

Are you trying to get over break up? Here are some tips for recovery

Just as there are stages for anything you can think of, there are also steps that you must take when getting over break up, the first thing that you should do is, write in a piece of paper your feelings, pour out your heart, write about your ex, tell him or her why you loved them, write how you feel about the break up, it’s okay to emote in this letter because no one is ever going to see it, that is because you are going to burn the letter over a candle’s flame, by doing this you are going to help yourself on the road to emotional recovery.

If you have been in a relationship for a while, you probably have some stuff of his at your home and vice versa, you need to arrange to exchange stuff, you probably want much of this stuff back and he or she is in the same position, work out a time for a mutual exchange, it is also a good idea to box up any gifts your ex gave you, wearing a watch that your ex gave you will make you think of them every time you see what time it is, that’s just not a good idea when getting over break up.

Sometimes there are financial matters that need to be straightened out when getting over a break up, if you have a checking account together, work out how you are going to divvy it up and then go to the bank to close it, what you should be seeing is a pattern of closing out the parts of your lives that you shared, this is very essential to getting over break up.

After you have done what is necessary, agree to have no contact for 28 days, this will allow you to start building separate lives, you might even want to agree that some places you both like belong to one party or the other during this four weeks, after you have had time to begin building a separate life, you will be able to interact more normally once again, this is a hard time, so give yourself the space you need in order to go about getting over break up.

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How to Get Back With Ex Even if She Dumped You

First figure out what went wrong and change it, if she was bored in the relationship, you need to spice things up, if she was looking for a flashier guy, a makeover might be in order, and if you were too needy, you might just need to back off for a while, right now, if you want to get back together with ex, you need to show her that you are exactly the kind of guy she wants to date.

One of the ways to get back together with ex girlfriend is to show her that you are an in demand kind of guy, every girl says she wants to be unique, they look for unique styles, but you will quickly notice that what they really want is a unique look, so, to become the in-demand guy, you have to start dating in-demand girls, in fact, dating her close friends will actually make her want to get back together with you.

If you are uncomfortable dating people who might continue to be in your life after you get back together with your ex girlfriend, you can at least flirt with them, when you see your ex with a pack of her friends, don’t pay any attention to her, instead, lavish attention on her friends, if she has a particularly plain friend, spend the most time with her, that’s one way to get back together with ex girlfriend.

Look at how she reacts to you when other guys are around, when someone puts you down, does she stand up for you? If she does, that is a good sign that she is still into you and will welcome you back into her life.

When you want to get back together with ex, you need to realize that there is a new power relationship at play, you no longer belong to each other exclusively, now you are two independent spheres rotating around the other, many guys don’t realize that this power shift has occurred, while they are down in the dumps about the break up, they don’t change their behavior pattern toward their ex, this is a big mistake.

When you want to get back together with ex, you will take advantage of the shift in power, you will woo her by changing the things that she doesn’t like about you or the relationship, become the in-demand guy that all girls want to date, and be a little bit unavailable to her, if these things don’t work, she probably has moved on and you won’t have much hope of jump starting anything, however, in almost all cases, because women are fickle creatures, you can get back together with ex.

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Gone Through a Boyfriend Break Up

If your boyfriend broke up with you, I am guessing that this is a rough time in your life, you are probably hurting and want to know what caused your boyfriend to break up with you, while you can use this time to look at yourself and where you are in your life, don’t do too much introspection, the truth behind why your boyfriend broke up with you might be because he had his own issues, you know what they say, it’s not you, it’s me.

When a boyfriend breaks up with you, it meant that you have more limited access to him, so do not text him multiple times a day or call him a lot, it’s okay to flirt with other guys in his presence, it may even make him want you back more, when you do get back together for the trial date be cheerful and friendly but don’t pressure him for more than he can handle.

If you have a feeling in your gut that the relationship is over, then you need to start moving on, it hurts a lot when a boyfriend breaks up the relationship, but it is not the end of your life, you can even look at it as a good thing because it means that you are now free to meet your true soul mate.

Of course, you shouldn’t jump to the conclusion that just because you have gone through a boyfriend break up that all of the doors are firmly shut, if you think you have a shot of winning him back and that’s something you want, you should by all means take the opportunity to do so, true love can even survive a boyfriend break up.

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Tips About Dating Girls

Gentlemen, you simply have to date girls if you are ever going to find the perfect one for you, so, here is some good advice for you.

Girls are not guys. They do not think it is fun to make noises by placing their hands under their armpits and acting like a winged creature, even if they are drunk, they do not like this, save this type of behavior for guy’s night, girls do not think it is cool to brag about your previous relationship conquests, they do not want to know about the ditzy blonde who had nothing to say but had the most amazing rack ever created, nor do they think it is great to have their guy greeted by every woman in the place, take your date to a different place just to be on the safe side, and never mention your ex-girlfriend.

Girls do not like to see you show up at their door in your ratty old jeans with a cheap five-buck pizza in hand, trust me on this one, maybe later, way later, like after the kids become teenagers it will be okay for this kind of thing to happen, but for now, please, guys: take a shower, put on something nice like khakis and a pullover shirt, and have flowers in hand instead of greasy fast food.

Girls do not love it when their date pulls out buy-one-get-one-free coupons at the restaurant cash register, there is nothing wrong with a bargain, especially in these tough economic times, but use those freebies when you go out with your mom (who will love your thriftiness) or your best buddy (who wouldn’t notice or care how you paid). Do not make your date think that she is not worth full price.

Girls do not find burping and farting contests hilariously interesting and entertaining, who can come up with most-silent-but-most-deadly one without any prior warning is nothing to be proud of, according to the female half of the population, neither is it way cool to be able to belch out the melody to “The Star-Spangled Banner.” Again, save it for football night with the frat brothers.

Remembering these tips about dating girls will take you farther than anything else when it comes to having a great time on your dates, these tips about dating girls will also allow you to get more than one date with the same lady, there are lots of people who will offer you lots of advice about dating, and even some who will simply say, “Be yourself.”

That’s not terrible advice, but trust me, if being yourself includes any of the forbidden behavior in this post, don’t be yourself, be better, remember these tips about dating girls and have a better dating life.

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